Hier ist unser erstes Online Event!!
Am Freitag den 15.Mai zeigen wir Dj und Live Auftritte von:
Hier ist unser erstes Online Event!!
Am Freitag den 15.Mai zeigen wir Dj und Live Auftritte von:
Dear friends of music and cyberpunk, Weiterlesen “Cyberpunk Night 2022 (Cyberpunk Festival)”
Miami Cyber Nights zeigt euch Live in Darmstadt:
– Dan Terminus
– Carbon Killer Full Band Setup
– Irq 7
Halloween is coming to Miami Cyber Nights and Goldene Krone
Neon Paradise DJ
Preis VVK:5€ zzgl. Gebühren
Preis AK: 8€
Flyer Design by Rolly Rocket
Miami Cyber Nights is back!
The next chapter of Synth/Retrowave Parties in Germany will begin in April.
And it will do so with a bang! Weiterlesen “MCN Vol.4 Timecop1983/Nina/Dana Jean Phoenix Live”
#Throwback to last Saturday, just before doors opened for the big night. And what a night it was!
Our sincerest thanks, from the bottom of our hearts go out to everyone that made this event possible: From everyone that came out, to our amazing helpers, Mizucat with her beautiful art, Digital Retro Park and their games, and obviously our incredible artists and new friends MightyGlen, Morgan Willis, Futurecop! and VHS Dreams – you all make these events so very special.
While we are back to normal life, we will think back to this day for a looong time to come. 💕
For the rest of the year we will be recharging and prepping for the new year and might not be as active. We are looking forward to kickstart 2019 with you!
Letzten Samstag, kurz bevor sich die Türen für unsere große Nacht geöffnet haben. Und was für eine Nacht es war!
Ein riesig großes Dankeschön, aus tiefstem Herzen, an alle die dieses Event möglich gemacht haben: Begonnen bei allen, die gekommen sind, hin zu unseren fantastischen Helfern, Mizucat mit ihrer Kunst, Digital Retro Park und ihren coolen Retrospielen, und natürlich unseren unglaublichen Künstlern und neuen Freunden Mighty Glen, Morgan Willis, Futurecop und VHS Dreams – ir alle macht unsere Events zu etwas so besonderem!
Obwohl wir so langsam wieder im Alltag angekommen sind, werden wir noch lange an diesen Abend zurück denken.
Für den Rest des Jares werden wir die Akkus wieder aufladen und für nächstes Jahr vorbereiten, und deshalb wahrscheinlich nicht ganz so aktiv sein. Wir freien uns schon auf ein tolles 2019 mit euch!
Miami Cyber Nights presents:
A journey into the modern Sounds of Cyberpunk.
Wo: Goldene Krone – Darmstadt Germany
Wann: Samstag 09.03.2019
Uhrzeit: 21:00
Preis:15€ zzgl. Gebühren
Tickets: Danger and Sung Live
Die internaionale Musiksensation Danger, bekannt durch seine Kontributionen zu Soundtracks wie Furi und seine imposanten Bühnenshows, kommt für ein exklusives Clubkonzert in die Goldene Krone nach Darmstadt. Begleitet wird er von seinem französischen Landsmann Sung, dessen neues Album Fahrenheit dieses Jahr ordentlich die Synthwave Szene aufgemischt hat.
Tickets sind streng limitiert, also bleibt auf dem Laufenden und sichert euch eure bevor sie vergriffen sind.
Danger: http://www.2emedanger.com/
As a child, I grew up sitting in front of a computer by myself.
That is where I learnt about music; playing video games and watching endless reruns of cartoons and American TV shows.
Television gave me shelter when I was alone, nursed me with Hollywood’s mythologies.
It guided me through nameless countries; with it I brought down colossuses and climbed mountains.
I preached its beliefs. But when I grew up, all my heroes died.
Today, I still come to mourn in deserted movie theatres.
There, lights flash before my eyes.
But I don’t feel anything in face of the latest blockbusters and their visual explosions,
these chaotic clusters where Mechas and Kaijus pile up in between fights under the rain,
tsunamis and apocalyptic scenes… Yet I feel numb, except for the roaring sub-basses that fill the void of cinemas.
My music is for those who, like me, have grown up amongst the ruins of blockbusters. For them my bass trembles and my synths screech.
But I know that beyond this digital coldness lie other horizons, other possibilities.
Sung: https://sung-music.bandcamp.com/
Sung is a French Korean electronic music artist from Paris.
Since 2013 he has produced electronic music inspired by 80’s pop culture, cyberpunk imagery and space conquest.
Most of his songs are instrumentals, as a soundtrack for a night cruise in a futuristic city.
His style is described as “urban, electric and heavy”.
He has played among prominent artists such as Perturbator or Carpenter Brut.
Sung became interested in music at a young age.
He started the piano at the age of 6 and soon extended to guitar.
In the late 1990’s his father bought an imac computer and it was the beginning of his electronic music productions.
Die internaionale Musiksensation Danger, bekannt durch seine Kontributionen zu Soundtracks wie Furi und seine imposanten Bühnenshows, kommt für ein exklusives Clubkonzert in die Goldene Krone nach Darmstadt. Begleitet wird er von seinem französischen Landsmann Sung, dessen neues Album Fahrenheit dieses Jahr ordentlich die Synthwave Szene aufgemischt hat.
Tickets sind streng limitiert, also bleibt auf dem Laufenden und sichert euch eure bevor sie vergriffen sind.
Danger: http://www.2emedanger.com/
As a child, I grew up sitting in front of a computer by myself.
That is where I learnt about music; playing video games and watching endless reruns of cartoons and American TV shows.
Television gave me shelter when I was alone, nursed me with Hollywood’s mythologies.
It guided me through nameless countries; with it I brought down colossuses and climbed mountains.
I preached its beliefs. But when I grew up, all my heroes died.
Today, I still come to mourn in deserted movie theatres.
There, lights flash before my eyes.
But I don’t feel anything in face of the latest blockbusters and their visual explosions,
these chaotic clusters where Mechas and Kaijus pile up in between fights under the rain,
tsunamis and apocalyptic scenes… Yet I feel numb, except for the roaring sub-basses that fill the void of cinemas.
My music is for those who, like me, have grown up amongst the ruins of blockbusters. For them my bass trembles and my synths screech.
But I know that beyond this digital coldness lie other horizons, other possibilities.
Sung: https://sung-music.bandcamp.com/
Sung is a French Korean electronic music artist from Paris.
Since 2013 he has produced electronic music inspired by 80’s pop culture, cyberpunk imagery and space conquest.
Most of his songs are instrumentals, as a soundtrack for a night cruise in a futuristic city.
His style is described as “urban, electric and heavy”.
He has played among prominent artists such as Perturbator or Carpenter Brut.
Sung became interested in music at a young age.
He started the piano at the age of 6 and soon extended to guitar.
In the late 1990’s his father bought an imac computer and it was the beginning of his electronic music productions.
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